Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics GUI
2) 3D Graphics
3) Advanced Graphics
4) Ant
5) Apache Common
6) Applet
7) Awt
8) Beginners Lab
9) Chart
10) Class
11) Collections Data Structure
12) Core
13) Data Type
14) Database SQL JDBC
15) Date Time
16) Design Pattern
17) Development Class
18) EJB3
19) Email
20) Event
21) File Input Output
22) Game
23) Generics
24) GWT
25) Hibernate
26) Internationalization
27) J2EE
28) J2ME
29) JDBC
30) JDK
32) JPA
33) JSP
34) JSTL
35) Language Basics
36) Learning
37) Mathematics
38) Network Protocol
40) Reflection
41) Regular Expressions
42) Scripting
43) Security
44) Servlets
45) Session
46) Sound
47) Spring
48) Swing Components
49) Swing JFC
50) SWT Jface Eclipse
51) Threads
52) Tiny Application
53) Util
54) Velocity
55) Web Services SOA
56) XML
1) A daemon thread
2) A live daemon thread does not prevent an application from exiting
3) A multithreaded queue used for implementing producer-consumer style threading patterns
4) A reader-writer lock from Java Threads by Scott Oak and Henry Wong
5) A semaphore
6) A simple demonstration of wait() and notify()
7) A simple example that uses an Executor
8) A thread must be marked as a daemon thread before it is started
9) A thread of execution that uses a CyclicBarrier
10) A utility class that receives a collection of tasks to execute internally and then distributes the tasks among a thread pool
11) A work queue is used to coordinate work between a producer and a set of worker threads
12) Add a delay
13) An abstract class to perform lengthy GUI-interacting tasks in a dedicated thread
14) An application exits when there are no non-daemon threads running
15) An example of CountDownLatch
16) An example of Exchanger
17) An implementation of a producer and consumer that use semaphores to control synchronization
18) Animation
19) Another deadlock demo
20) Another way to stop a thread
21) Another way to suspend and resume
22) Atomic Float
23) Atomic Utils
24) BlockingQueue Test
25) Boolean lock
26) BufferedWriter and threads
27) Busy Flag
28) Byte FIFO
29) Calling sleep() to wait for a while
30) Communicate between threads using a Queue
31) Coordinates threads for multi-threaded operations
32) Count Up Down Latch
33) Counter
34) Create a new thread for the thread pool The create thread will be a daemon thread
35) Create a thread by extending Thread
36) Create a thread by implementing Runnable
37) Creating a Bounded Work Queue
38) Creating threads with inner classes
39) Current set
40) Customized java util ArrayList
41) Customized java util HashMap
42) Customized java util TreeMap
43) Daemon Lock
44) Daemon Thread
45) Daemon threads dont prevent the program from ending
46) Daemon threads spawn other daemon threads
47) Deadlock Detecting
48) Deadlock Detector
49) DeadLock Detector 2
50) Defining a thread for a thread pool
51) Demo for java util concurrent Future
52) Demonstrate join()
53) Demonstrates how deadlock can be hidden in a program
54) Demonstrating the runnable interface
55) Determining If the Current Thread Is Holding a Synchronized Lock
56) Determining When a Thread Has Finished
57) Early return
58) Eliminating race Conditions using Swing Components
59) Exception call back
60) Executes a task with a specified timeout
61) Fibonacci
62) Finds a resource with the given name
63) Get Thread name
64) GUI clock
65) Handle concurrent readwrite
66) Illustrate the volatile variables
67) Implementing an Unbounded Work Queue
68) Inner self run threads
69) Interrupt a thread
70) Interruptible Synchronized Block
71) Invoke a series of runnables as closely to synchronously as possible
72) InvokeExample
73) Is Event Dispatcher Thread
74) Is thread alive
75) Java 1 5 (5 0) new feature
76) Java 1 5 (5 0) new features
77) Java new feature
78) Java Thread Performance
79) Java util concurrent ThreadPoolExecutor and thread pool
80) JDK1 5 provides a mechanism to create a pool a scheduled task
81) Job Scheduler
82) Launch many programs using Thread and use join() to wait for the completion
83) Listing all running threads
84) Listing All Running Threads in a group
85) Listing all threads and threadgroups in the VM
86) Lock for read and write
87) Monitor a threads status
88) No synchronize
89) Object FIFO
90) Operations that may seem safe are not, when threads are present
91) Output stream and threads
92) Parallelizing Loops for Multiprocessor Machines
93) Pause the execution
94) Pause the execution of a thread using sleep()
95) Pausing a Thread
96) Pausing the Current Thread
97) Producer and Comsumer
98) Producer consumer for J2SE 1 5 using concurrent
99) Producer consumer in Java 1
100) Producer consumer in Java 2
101) Producer Consumer Test
102) Race Conditions using Swing Components
103) Read Write Lock
104) ReentrantLock
105) Return a new instance of the given class Checks the ThreadContext classloader first, then uses the System classloader
106) Return a value from a thread
107) Rhyming Words
108) Runs multiple jobs in parallel
109) Safe collection operation
110) Safe list copy
111) Safe vector copy
112) Self run thread
113) Semaphore that can allow a specified number of threads to enter, blocking the others
114) Set Thread Priority
115) Set Uncaught Exception Handler
116) Setting priorities on the Thread objects
117) Shows the use of thread priorities
118) Signaling
119) Simple Object FIFO
120) Simple object pool Based on ThreadPool and few other classes
121) Simple pool of Threads
122) Simple thread pool A task is executed by obtaining a thread from the pool
123) Simple threads creator
124) SimpleThread using the Runnable interface
125) Single Thread Request Executor
126) Sleep utilities
127) Static synchronize
128) Static synchronized block
129) Stop watch programme
130) Stopping a Thread
131) Stores a single object for the producerconsumer pattern and takes care of thread synchronization
132) Suggesting when to switch threads with yield()
133) Suspend, resume, and stop a thread
134) Swing and thread
135) Swing and Thread for length operation
136) Swing and Threading
137) Swing and threads
138) Swing Type Tester 10
139) SwingUtilities invokeLater and swing thread
140) Synchronize method
141) Synchronized Block demo
142) Synchronizing blocks instead of entire methods
143) Synchronizing on another object
144) Task
145) Task Scheduling
146) Test Override
147) Test Override Thread
148) The BooleanLock class provides a useful encapsulation of a boolean variable that is easily and safely accessed from multiple thead
149) The producer-consumer approach to thread cooperation
150) The safe way to stop a thread
151) This program demonstrates that a thread that runs in parallel with the event dispatch thread can cause errors in Swing components.
152) This program shows data corruption when multiple threads access a data structure
153) This program shows how multiple threads can safely access a data structure
154) This program shows how multiple threads can safely access a data structure, using synchronized methods
155) Thread
156) Thread accuracy
157) Thread and Swing 1
158) Thread and Swing 2
159) Thread and Swing 3
160) Thread Cache
161) Thread deadlock
162) Thread general interrupt
163) Thread ID
164) Thread Interrupt when calculating Pi
165) Thread interrupt check
166) Thread interrupt reset
167) Thread name
168) Thread notify
169) Thread pending and interrupt
170) Thread pool
171) Thread Pool 2
172) Thread pool demo
173) Thread Pool Test
174) Thread Pools 1
175) Thread Pools 2
176) Thread priorities
177) Thread Priority
178) Thread priority information
179) Thread Race Demo
180) Thread Reminder
181) Thread sleep
182) Thread sleep and interrupt
183) Thread synchronization
184) Thread-based logging utility
185) ThreadGroup Enumerate
186) Threads join
187) Three Threads Test
188) Timer class used to implement login and query timeouts
189) Transition Detector
190) Two simple threads
191) Understanding join()
192) Use a ThreadGroup
193) User interface responsiveness
194) Using a Thread-Local Variable
195) Using interrupt() to break out of a blocked thread
196) Using java util concurrent locks Lock to control the synchronized resource
197) Using pipes for inter-thread IO
198) Using the Runnable interface
199) Utilities to manage thread ids
200) Very basic implementation of a thread pool
201) Very simple Threading example
202) View current Threads in a table
203) Visual suspend and resume
204) Wait exclusive semaphore with wait - notify primitives
205) Wait for the threads to finish
206) Wait the for the completion of a thread
207) Waiting on an object
208) Worker thread pool
209) Write your Beans this way so they can run in a multithreaded environment